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In order to minister to the community, the approach should be holistic. We aim to be inclusive because God's grace is  for everyone, young, old, man or woman. Because of this we have established differing ministries designed to reach every one.


WINGS (Women in God's Service)

Helping The Community

The mission of this ministry is give support and encouragement to our ladies, mothers and grandmothers, singles and married alike. We understand that women play a vital part in the success of any endeavor, that is why we encourage our ladies, young and old, to discover and use their gifts and talents for the Lord's use. 


People Make the Real Difference

The driving force of every ministry and every person involved in each ministry is their gratitude to the Lord Jesus Christ, coupled with their love and passion to give God the best by maximizing their abilities and talents fit for the Master's use. Thus we promote every channel of ministry to give opportunity to anyone wishing to use their gifts and talents for the glory of God. Please check out each ministry there should be one fit for you to join.

Creative Dance Arts

Tambourine Ministry

Dance was originally an art done to give praise and honor to the Lord. Biblical worship involved honoring Him thru dance. Just like David, we believe we are to honor God with every part of our bodies and use our talents for His use. 



Bringing the Church to the World

The church must grow bigger and smaller at the same time. Isn't that a misnomer? Not really, what we mean with this is that God is the Author of growth and the church must grow in size and strength. We believe that we grow big thru fellowship but we must grow smaller thru discipleship- on a regular basis we try to disciple the members in small groups.  We try to accomplish this by meeting in houses. We call these meetings Family Care Group. Regular infusion of the Word of God thru FCG will keep the church strong.


One Person to Reach, One Step at a Time

The Christian Church as a whole would not have survived today if there were no followers who spread the Good News. In a world full of negativity and/or bad news, we followers of Jesus should be ready to share this Good News that was entrusted to us. It is every believer's responsibility to carry on and pass the message of hope to the world around them. If you are a people person and you have a passion to bring the Good News to as many people possible, this is a perfect fit for you. We need people like you. 


Helping The Community

At LWCC, we see the need for this ministry. Our Ushers and Greeters are the first "line of impressions". Because we know that first impressions lasts, it is our mission to welcome everyone who enters the doors of the church. We need people who will be willing to take time in greeting and welcoming everybody. This Ministry will never outgrow itself, because of people who have a passion to serve.

Would you like to support our efforts?

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